Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mom and Dad G coming to visit

My parents will be visiting us this weekend. This will be the first time they will get to see our house. We are excited to have them out - they come in Friday evening and leave Tuesday morning. It will be a nice visit. We are glad to finally be able to see them again, and they are really excited to see our house. We went shopping on the weekend to get some home office furniture. We were able to have David's dad come by with his truck and take a few of the items to our place, but when we tried to set it up Sunday night we discovered we didn't have all the right legs for the desk. So we went back up to Seattle and exchanged a leg and now have a very nice computer desk set up so I can type this in style! It will feel great to finally have a little organization in this room. We had been using a folding table (the kind you would use for church basement potlucks) and we had no other furniture except a few filing cabinets. We still had boxes and piles of papers and books all over the room. The rest of the furniture will be coming on Thursday so we should have it all set up by Friday when they come. I'm also looking forward to taking a little time off while they're here (Saturday and Monday).

Tonight we had our neighborhood Bible study. We met these people through a lady at my work who knows them from her church. They were starting a home group with a few other couples who either live in this neighborhood, or who live close by. David and I went last week, but this week only I was able to go. David has been sick for the last couple days. It's a good group. We are discussing their sermon notes, and although David and I don't go to their church, we still have great discussions. Tonight we were talking about how we can be more open and willing to have the Spirit lead our conversations with others that we might be used in the process of them coming to know Christ. We also talked a little about how we can hear God speak to us. It is a discipline being quite and still enough to hear His voice. Something I need to work on more and more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see photos of the parents' visit and your desk!

I, too, want to become more sensitive to the Spirit.

Love you!