Thursday, June 29, 2006

Four Years!

Today is our Fourth Anniversary. What a blessing to be married to a such wonderful man! We're going out to dinner tonight to the Melting Pot. We had gone there for my birthday back in April. It's a fondue restaurant. It's a nice romantic restaurant and always super good food! It makes it fun when you can cook it too. It kind of makes for a long evening, but that's what's great about it!

Since I have Saturday off this weekend we thought about going away to celebrate our anniversary, but we have decided it would be better to stay home and save some money so that we can buy furniture and other baby-necessities. We may work on the baby's room, too - painting and whatever else to get ready for the baby! I also have Monday and Tuesday off for the Fourth of July, so it's a nice long weekend that we can relax together and get some things done around here.

I guess we don't have the whole weekend to ourselves. On Saturday evening we're going to look after our nephews in Seattle while David's sister and brother in law go to a wedding. Then we'll stay overnight up there and go with them to a baseball game. The Mariners have been doing really well lately, so hopefully we'll catch a good game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheri!! I was thinking, "Is there a chance Cheri posted recently?" and there you were!! Looking all cute and little next to your man, David! Happy Anniversary!!! 4 years! Wow, I am going to email you right now. And GREAT colors on the walls there, not to mention your fashionable ensemble there with the clothing!