Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Micah!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I realize that I am not much of a party planner. It doesn't come easily or naturally to me. But I have years and years of party planning ahead of me now that I am a mother! Still, we had a really good time at Micah's birthday party and it went off without a hitch. We had the party from 2-4 in the afternoon because when I sent out the invitations I was pretty sure we'd be having some family in for dinner and I wanted to have time to put dinner together after the guests left. I ended up making a lasagna the night before so I could just throw it in the oven after the party. But the family that was going to come for dinner didn't, so I had some other friends (who are pretty much family) stay afterward.

Micah has not had sugar before now, so he was pretty nonchalant about the whole birthday cake thing. That, and the fact that Daddy had fed him a whole bunch of grapes right before the cake. I had made a little banana cake for Micah, banana cake cupcakes for his friends, and a banana cake for everyone else. Micah ate some of his cake, but he wasn't putting his face into it or making a mess of it. It didn't make for a very good show, but at least I didn't have to throw him in the tub afterwards! Presents were next and he sat really well with me while I opened everything for him. He got lots of toys with balls and lots of trucks, which are two of his favorite things in the world right now. It was perfect. He has been having a lot of fun with the toys (and the party balloons) since the party.

Micah has learned so much over the last year. He's a really fun little guy. I love every single minute with him. When he was newborn I was sad to think that he's going to grow bigger because I loved him so tiny and cuddly, but every stage is more fun than the one before. Lately, he's been melting our hearts when we put him to bed because he lays down so easily and starts to giggle with his head on the mattress. We stand there for a minute and rub his back, and when we take our hand away, he immediately sits up and looks to see if we're still there. When he sees us, he lays his head back down and giggles some more. He is sad when we leave the room, but he goes to sleep right away. It's so nice to not have to listen to him crying himself to sleep anymore.

He is a precious boy and I am so thankful for the joy he brings to our lives. He has made this past year so much fun. It was a bit scary to think of what life would be like with a child to be responsible for, but now that he's here and that I've been a mother for a YEAR already, I can't remember what life was like without him, nor do I want to go back.


Anonymous said...

Well I think a first birthday is as much to celebrate the parents as the little one year old. So a big congratulations to you for keeping a child alive for a whole year! And for raising him to be happy and well-adjusted at the same time! It is sooo much harder than it looks!

Anonymous said...


That was the sweetest mother blog entry ever! Oh, you are so loving and make being a mommy sound like the most wonderful thing in the world.

I can't believe he is already 1!! Where does the time go?! He is looking more like a Wolfrom every day! Wow!

I better go back now and read your previous post. I have to stay up with the times!


Anonymous said...

Yep, it was worth it reading the previous blog. You are hilarious! I can hear your voice in your writing (especially the story about the heart in the plastic bag and the 3 turkeys for the 3 boys who would never remember anything).

Laughing all the way...