Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No Sleep

Micah and I are both a little sick right now. I am surprised Dave's not sick too because he's been staying up late and getting up early these last couple of days. I had a busy weekend, so that might have had something to do with me getting sick. I was asked to sub for one of the singers in the worship band at church on Sunday, so I had practice on Thursday night. Friday night I went to a cookie exchange with some moms from Mom's Group. Saturday afternoon I went to a play at a friend's church and Sunday I had to be at worship practice at 8am. Our church had the Christmas concert that evening, and Dave was playing guitar in the band so I went to that too.

I don't know if it's because of the congestion or because he's just not feeling well, but Micah is NOT napping for me. He seems tired, so I put him in his crib and at first he cries because he doesn't like being behind bars, but then he calms down and just plays with whatever is there in his crib - reading books, pushing balls around, or throwing things out of his crib. Then, when there's nothing left, he starts making more noise and doesn't fall asleep. I don't get it. When I'm not feeling well, I would LOVE to lay down on a mattress and nap. I especially would NOT like to jibber-jabber or scream when my throat is not feeling so well. Yesterday we had an appointment for Christmas pictures at 1:45, so I was hoping he would nap late-morning, have some lunch, and be happy for the pictures. Wishful thinking. He didn't sleep at all and he missed his lunch, but he was still very pleasant during the pictures even though he was tired. However, he wasn't very impressed with any of our sillies and only smiled nice for, mmm, one of the photos.

Any ideas on how to get a toddler to sleep during the day?!! This afternoon we went to the post office to mail our packages and on the way home he was pretty much asleep in the car. Often I will park the car in the garage, turn it off, and let him stay asleep and I'll just keep checking on him now and then and get him when he wakes up. But it is kind of cold outside now. So on the way home from the post office I tried to keep him awake and then I took him straight up to his crib when we got home. He was quiet for a little bit, but 40 minutes later (after I had tried to nap too) I realized it wasn't going to happen because he was starting to make louder noises and seemed to be getting cranky. So, I am assuming there will be no nap today. It's hard when I'm sick too because I don't feel like playing and having energy, but what is especially hard is understanding why he doesn't sleep knowing he NEEDS to in order to get rid of his cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I would get grumpy if I were behind bars too =) Haha! Come on, buddy, can't you see Cheri, your mom, needs a nap!