Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa - Cheri's parents. They came for 5 days last weekend and it was fantastic! Micah had so much fun playing with them, helping Grandpa do some projects around the house and reading books with Grandma. We didn't have a whole lot planned while they were here, which was good because they just wanted to spend time with Micah anyway. By the end of their visit it sounded like Micah said "Grandpa" when my dad was coming down the stairs. We were trying to teach him how to say Grandma and Grandpa all weekend - actually, even before they came I was trying to get Micah to say it. I had shown him the photos in the calendar that we had of Grandma and Grandpa and during the weekend he just wanted to carry the calendar around with him.

My dad put together Micah's tricycle that he had received for Christmas. Micah is still too short for it so his feet don't reach the pedals and he wasn't quite sure about it yet. Hopefully by the spring or summer he'll be more excited about it. We also blew up his ball pit. He had received that for Christmas as well and was pretty excited about that. Anything that has to do with balls is always a big hit for Micah. We have to be careful going up and down the stairs these days...

He decided to lounge on his teddy bears while reading his books before he fell asleep. He has been sleeping much better now so we are thankful! He tells us when he wants to take a nap using sign language and he stays quiet when we leave his room at bedtime. We keep the door open now and even if he's standing at the edge of his crib and watches us walk by, he's still usually quiet and eventually falls asleep on his own. It's wonderful!

He received a new toy from Great Gran and Great Grandpa. G-Gran sent along a ball with a happy face and it made Micah get a big smile on his face when we picked up Grandma and Grandpa from the airport. Great Grandpa wanted my parents to pick out a toy from the toy store from him, so we got a toy with balls and a hammer. He loves it! Thanks Gran and Grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheri,
Great pictures of Micah and the rest of the family! Sounds like you had a nice time when your Mom and Dad were there, too!
Using sign language seems like such a great way to help a toddler communicate~~someday, I'd love to learn more about it!
Blessings to all of you~~
Aunt Phyllis