Thursday, March 27, 2008


Every time I go away for any length of time David always takes on some kind of house project. It makes me feel like I should go away more often! But I try not to expect it so that if it doesn't happen, I won't be disappointed. When I went away for the Women's Retreat, David organized the guest room to be more kid-friendly as Micah's play room. We picked up the cute little kid's table at the benefit auction for Lighthouse Christian School, a school that David does some work for.

Saturday there was a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood. A friend of mine is now on the community board so she planned it all and pulled it off - it was a lot of fun. Micah was actually too young to participate, but I was there to help, so he was with me. I just happened to bring an Easter basket with us... and he got into it!

Sunday morning Micah and I went to church to meet Daddy there. David played guitar for both the Good Friday service and the Easter morning service. I was scheduled to work in the nursery, so Micah and I enjoyed Easter morning with lots of little kids, play doh, and flying cars! Here is the handsome little guy all dressed up in his Sunday best.

Micah had another Easter Egg hunt at his cousin's house.

Here comes Jack, swooping in to steal the egg Micah had his eye on!


Anonymous said...

I'm loving the little orange sweater vest!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheri!

Well, Triscilla flew home today, so I feel somewhat empty here at home without here here. (Plus Nate is out playing basketball with guys so it seems even more empty).

Now I am glad to check your blog and to hear all your updates! Micah is looking handsome and grown up there! How fast they grow! I was so surprised to hear about Lugs!! Oh, that must have been tough. He's been in the family even before Micah came! Oh, I can't imagine it.

It's funny you mentioned David doing house projects. I remember when he organized all the spices and cupborards one other time when you were gone. While Triscilla was gone her man, Phil, painted several rooms in their home! I think it is so cute--it is their way of loving you while you are away and their way of keeping busy so they don't miss you too much! So sweet!

I love you tons!