Monday, October 27, 2008

October is flying by

I have a lot to catch up on. October has been a busy month and it doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. In early October, I was thrilled to be able go up to BC to visit a friend that I've had since kindergarten and share in the joy of her brand new baby. She had her baby a couple weeks early. I had been planning to go there for her baby shower, but what better way to have a baby shower than with the actual baby! It was great to be able to go there and visit with my friends. Another friend from high school was there visiting her too. The three of us had all swam and played soccer together in high school!

The one thing I was very frustrated about, though, was the fact that I had FINALLY finished getting all the stuff together for my passport application to be renewed. It's been looming over me for about 2 years. I got everything assembled and photos taken for the special Canadian specifications and then sent it through the mail. I was excited to answer and sign for the passport document that came to my front door a couple weeks later, just before my trip to BC, but when I opened it I was really mad. It had been damaged by water. Seriously!? How often does mail get water damaged? I don't often send things like photos or even letters by mail anymore, but when I did, they never seemed to get damaged. Of all things, my PASSPORT documents had to be damaged, making me get new photos taken, and having to get all my documents prepared again. The last time, about a year ago, I had sent my application and then it was returned to me too because I hadn't checked the box about living in another country before 1977, even though I wasn't born before 1977. Apparently everyone needs to check that box and now I know!

Over the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday, my parents came for a visit. We celebrated Micah's birthday while they were here. We had one family over to celebrate with us, close family friends of ours that my parents have enjoyed getting to know whenever they come here for a visit. We had a very nice evening with them! The whole visit with my parents was great. Micah loved having Grandma and Grandpa here, especially with Grandpa keeping him entertained in the back seat of the car and being silly with the purple balloon.

Birthday cake!

A good night hug to Grandpa!

He loved Grandma's story time and playing with blocks and playdoh with her. I loved it, too!

We went out the pumpkin patch and got a couple pictures, but unfortunately there weren't too many pumpkins there.

Soon to come, I'll fill you in on our Canadian Thanksgiving celebration. We did it a couple weeks late because of everything going on during the actual holiday. I have a feeling we're going to be doing it like that for many years to come since Micah's birthday is so close to it.


Anonymous said...

You look so pretty! Are those new bangs? I love all the pics and I love to see how much Micah is growing! I can't believe it! And LUGS! HE looks almost bigger than Micah in one picture!

CRAZY about the pictures getting wet and every single detail having to be perfect! That's why when we applied for Elijah's passport we did NOT put for "Occupation": " Eats, sleeps, poops." We didn't want the joke to get us paperwork sent back!

Cheri said...

Thank you, Jessica! Yes, they are bangs - I cut them myself because I didn't like the length they were and didn't want to pay the stylist!

Yeah, Mario does look bigger than Micah! I hadn't seen that before!! That's pretty funny. :)

Sad, isn't it, how the government people don't have a sense of humor? What a sad job! Good for you to hold back, though, it might have been a bit trickier getting him to the Philippines with you!