Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Two Years

Happy Birthday Micah!

Two years ago today you were barely breathing and confined to an oxygen tent. Now you run circles around the kitchen, living room and dining room. You say 1, 2, 3 GO and race up and down the hallway. You run to the garage door when Daddy comes home. You walk to the park and push the stroller without help. You kick and throw balls with incredible accuracy and coordination. You can jump higher than Daddy! You are tons of fun because you have so much energy.

Two years ago you could barely see me and now you know who your family is living in Canada. You get excited to see your friends at church. You know all your body parts, you know your alphabet, you can count to somewhere in the teens.

Two years ago you had to learn to swallow and had trouble getting enough food to fill your little belly and now you help me make dinner and you eat everything that is put in front of you.

How was I to know how much I would love you? You have grown so much and learned so much over the past two years. Two years ago today I was scared and excited and unsure of what my life would be like with a new baby to take care of. I realize now that I have learned so much from you, a tiny little person, and I have grown in ways I could never have imagined.

You have taught me to have joy in the little things. You have taught me to appreciate spider webs and bugs. You have taught me to laugh at silly things. You have taught me to have patience when I think I need to hurry. Your little mind soaks everything up and it inspires me to teach more than what I think you're capable of because you continually astound me. You have taught me that I don't always need to say no. We can drive with the windows partway down, we can fudge a little on nap time to play a little longer with the blocks, we can eat a few more animal crackers or a little bit of cookie batter just because.

You make me proud when you kick or throw or hit a ball. You make me laugh when you laugh. You make my heart swell when you give me a hug and a kiss. I love it when you remind me to pray. I love it when you sing the last words of every line in Rock a Bye Baby and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I love hearing you try to say new words. I love spending time with you. You are a cool little guy and I'm so glad you're mine!

I love you, Micah! Happy Birthday dear boy.


heidik said...

Cheri - what a beautiful note to your little boy! I hope he is able to read it someday! I great thing to print out for his memories later on. Happy Birthday Micah!

Anonymous said...

Cheri - what a lovely picture and tribute to your little boy! Recognizing God's blessings makes us aware of Him in a more real way!

We'll miss you at our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, but are glad you can share time with your Mom and Dad too.

Aunt Phyllis

Anonymous said...

OH GOSH! I'm almost crying buckets of tears here! SO PRECIOUS! J