I need to make a point to get out of the house every day, whether it's going for a walk or to the store, or visiting with friends... or having friends in. Otherwise, while Micah is still a baby, I can get into the bad habit of staying in my comfy clothes most of the day.
David has shown me some things to do for his business, so I have started learning how to update some of his client's Intranets as well as helping a bit with billing. Soon he will be showing me how to update their websites. It's great to be able to have the choice whether or not I want to work, and also to have an option of working from home. World Vision may eventually be able to accomodate people working from home, but for now, this works well because it frees David up to be able to do more important things for his clients. It's great to be able to do this work from home, but another thing I will miss about
One of the things I am grateful for with being at home is being able to enjoy and celebrate the tiniest moments in my baby's life: his first smile, his laughter, his holding his head up and rolling over for the first time (which just happened, from his back to his front, on Friday!). Probably only those mothers of small babies who read this blog can understand and appreciate how fun it is to celebrate these tiny milestones in the lives of our babies.
Micah has recently been sick (again) with a sore throat, a cough and a stuffy nose, so this is another reason why I am glad to be home with him, and not have to balance finding a sitter, or calling in sick to work.
Hey Cheri,
I'm sure this must have been a hard decision but it sounds like you are happy with your decision. I find being a sahm very rewarding even though there are days when I wish I had a "grown up" job. :)
Hey Shannon,
I don't know why it was such a hard decision for me to make. I guess I kind of felt like I was letting them down at World Vision, or something. But, as David says, I'm just prioritizing my life, and I think it will only get better and better as I'm home with Micah. I'm really enjoying every minute of it! I couldn't imagine handing him off to someone else to watch while I go to work, especially since I don't bring in that much.
I'm very thankful, also, that I have a great network of SAHMs in the area that I'm friends with, so we can get together often to hang out.
Hey Cheri!
You have a beautiful boy and a great looking family! Glad we found each other again and are able to reconnect.
I imagine i'll be coming to people like you and Shannon in about a year when i face the same decision you just went through...
Hi Cheri... I can totally relate! You put into words a lot of what I feel. And, yes, there are challenges, but as you know, the joys and benefits far outweigh them. I'm thankful to be a stay at home mom, all the while I continue to find my new niche in the community. I know it will come with time! I love all your pic.s too... he's so adorable! Lindsay Regan
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