Sunday, October 01, 2006

We're almost there!

It could be any day now! Very exciting and scary and nerve-wracking all with one single thing. We are about to become parents! Wow. At least I'm able to keep telling myself that although the very beginning is exhausting because of lack of sleep, the baby is very small and doesn't do a whole lot except eat, sleep and poop. So, our job is pretty easy at first. They don't come out running around and needing discipline right away. We can kind of ease into the whole parenting role. My body is getting ready, I'm having light contractions all the time. Things are happening, and I could go into labor any time. Who knows! I'm still planning things as normal because it could still be a while yet. We are definitely very excited to meet our son!

We are planning on having Canadian Thanksgiving here again this year. Last year we had it a few weeks late because we had just moved into our new house. This year, even though it's just a few days after the baby's due, we have to do it this weekend because Dan and Brandy are coming here for a wedding and want to hang out with friends on Saturday night. It's Brandy's favorite holiday in the whole world and she was so excited during their four years with us to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving twice! They want to get together with all their friends anyway, so why not?! We're going to do the turkey, but if Baby comes and we're out of commission, the party will be moved down the street to one of two other places.

1 comment:

Triscilla said...

Wow, what a cute mommy tummy. We will be praying for you and David for the safety arrival of your little one. Looking forward to hearing the good news:)